Global Search can be accessed from any page in e-flow and will search all content including Activities, Users (Contacts), and Assets.
This powerful search will even search within the Activity fields and Asset metadata (information about the asset).
Content Types
In the search results, the content types are grouped by Activities, Assets, Contacts, Products and Tasks. Once results are shown you will be then be given the 5 content types to filter by at the left-hand side of the page.
Filtering search results: Activities
Click 'Refine by: Activities' to show assets only.
When the Activities content type has been selected, the 'Status' and 'Priority' facets are displayed allowing you to further refine the results using the checkboxes available.
You are also able to filter by 'Organisation' If you are a member of multiple domains.
Filtering search results: Assets
Click 'Refine by: Assets' to show assets only.
When the Assets content type has been selected, the 'Verdict' 'Other' and 'Expired Date' facets are displayed allowing you to further refine the results using the checkboxes available.
You are also able to filter by 'Organisation' If you are a member of multiple domains.
Filtering search results: Tasks
Click 'Refine by: Tasks' to show tasks only.
When the Tasks content type has been selected, the 'Status' and 'Priority' facets are displayed allowing you to further refine the results using the checkboxes available.
You are also able to filter by 'Organisation' If you are a member of multiple domains.
Filtering search results: Products
Click the Products tab within the search results to refine the list by Products only.
You are also able to filter by 'Organisation' If you are a member of multiple domains.
Filtering search results: Contacts
Type a name in the Global Search box to get quick access to a user profile.
When the search results are displayed, click the Contacts content type (tab) to show contacts only.
You are also able to filter by 'Organisation' If you are a member of multiple domains.
Search result types & statuses:
Activity - Running |
Asset - Approval in progress |
Activity - Completed |
Asset - Approved |
Activity - Pending |
Asset - Not Reviewed |
Activity - Cancelled |
Asset - Not Approved |
Product - Running |
Task - Running |
Product - Completed |
Task - Completed |
Product - Pending |
Task - Pending |
Product - Cancelled |
Task - Cancelled |
Using Global Search Syntax
The global search has been updated which now features a 'i' this gives examples of different search syntax to maximize your searches in Sunrise. When you click on the 'i' a popup dialog will display with all the syntax, the information box will remain open until the user clicks to close it or refreshes the page.
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