This release is primarily bugs fixes and general performance enhancements. These are detailed below:
- When a verdict of 'Approved With Comments' is selected, an amber tick will be shown in the Online Approval Tool history tab, rather than a green one.
- Fixed issue which prevented responsible assignees from updating their own forms retrospectively.
- Updated the absence manager, to take into account current absences when transferring tasks.
- Resolved display issue where the default "mountain icon" is displayed intermittently instead of the asset preview.
- Resolved issues where placing a section control inside another section, would cause the value of some fields to be lost.
- Resolved data cascade issue causing some values to be intermittently blanked in child workflow if the parent workflow is updated retrospectively.
- Fixed display issue where annotations entered by consulted approvers are not shown on the annotation tab in the asset summary screen.
- Resolved display issue stopping thumbnails from being displayed in the sidebar.
- Fixed issues preventing annotations entered by consulted assignees from being displayed in the approval history.
- Resolved issue where certain values were being parsed as dates.
- Fixed issue which caused updated decision tree values to not be reflected in custom forms
- Fixed asset classification issue when new organisation is created.
- Fixed issue where a user has to scroll to the last entry in a multi-form to remove validation errors when editing retrospectively.
- Removed unnecessary white spaces in column names in asset library search.
- Updated security model to allow task assignees with 'workflow user' privileges to retrospectively update their own tasks. Previously, this was restricted to activity schedulers and above.
- Fixed issue in brief forms which prevented the "select all" checkbox from working correctly.
- Resolved problem where in progress asset approvals were not aborted if their associated activity workflow was cancelled and/or deleted.
- Resolved display issue where an inherited category value is not shown, or the display value is trimmed in the 'Fields' tab, in the activity summary.
- Fixed issue where asset where not successfully attached to the workflow when the asset picker control was placed inside nested sections.
- Updated the sequence numbers page to allow for a sequence number to be reset at the start of the calendar year.
- Resolve intermittent issue where internal server error is displayed when trying to edit a Product File.
- Fixed issue where edited a role containing users from other organisations resulted in those users being removed from the role.
- Updated the WebAPI so data entered with formats such as '01.12' are not erroneously converted to date/time values.
- Fixed display issue when showing selected assets using the asset picker on a form in read-only mode.
- Updated the default option when setting up a consulted approval to 'Notify Just Me'.
- Fixed display issue which stopped consulted approvals completion dates from being shown in the assignments tab in the activity summary.
- Resolved intermittent data loss problem when using the tabular view.
- Updated system email notifications to work correctly in Foxmail for users based in China.
- Fixed issue which prevented approvals from correctly aborting when a uncompleted consulted approval was present in the step.
- Fixed issue which intermittently resulted in the wrong category selection being displayed when editing a multiform retrospectively.
- Corrected spelling mistake in 'Account Locked' email.
- Fixed issue which prevented users with Read Only rights from seeing approved assets in an asset library.
- Removed redirect for cross-domain users trying to access BI reports.
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