We have developed a new feature to make the activity creation process quicker and more efficient.
The 'Paste From File' feature allows users to create multiple child activities from a parent by copying the information from a spreadsheet and pasting it straight into the Paste From File icon!
This means not having to manually complete a form per child activity, as they will be auto-populated by e-flow using the ‘pasted’ information.
Note: if you would like to activate and configure this new feature for your organisation, please contact the Professional Services team.
1. Open the form task and click on the 'Past From File' button at the top.
2. From the new modal, click 'Copy Fields' at the bottom to copy all fields in the form to your clipboard.
3. Open Excel, highlight a cell, then paste in the fields copied earlier.
Each field heading will populate one cell each along a row.
4. Fill in the correct information beneath each heading, making sure to use the same formatting expected by the form.
Each row represents a new form. Notice the '+ Add more' button at the top of the form in e-flow: this button manually adds an identical form (which will have its own unique identifier, as per the form template). When using 'Paste From File', simply adding new values to the next row down tells e-flow that this is a new form, so you do not need to use the '+ Add more' button.
Note: see how the values under Country of Sale correspond to the drop-down menu in the form, with multiple selections delimited by a comma.
5. Once all the information is filled for each heading, highlight everything entered into your Excel document (including the field headers) and Copy it.
6. Then, go back into e-flow and paste all information into the 'Form Data' box.
From here you can select if you would like to overwrite all existing data in the form or if you would like to only add more forms and keep the current forms unaffected.
7. After clicking 'Populate Forms', all values which have been formatted correctly will populate each respective form. If you have created multiple forms, you will now be able to scroll through each item using the arrows above.
Help! Some data has not populated! If any values have not populated, you will get pop-ups in the bottom-right corner of the screen displaying which values are incorrect. In such a case, you can simply go back to the CSV file, edit the data, then paste it back into e-flow. Ensure that under the text box you have ticked 'Create forms with this data or overwrite all existing form data in this activity' to update the existing forms. |
8. Check that all forms/SKUs/child activities have been created via navigating to the parent activity (i.e. the activity containing the form task you just completed) and looking at the 'Linked Activity' tab.
If you need to add any more activities, you can add more by updating the original form.
See more:
LP2: Completing Forms (Tabular View)
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