Responsible assignees may request a consultation with any user(s) of their organisation or any linked organisation which shares their users publicly. The key difference between a Responsible assignee of a task and a Consulted assignee is that a consultant will not be asked to provide a verdict. In addition, a consulted contact will not hold up an approval step if all other Responsible assignees have completed their task. See the section under 'No Verdict / Super Consult' for instructions on how to create a consultation that cannot be bypassed.
There are two ways a consultation can be added to an approval step: from within the Online Approval Tool window, or via the Activity Summary page.
Consult Contacts via the Online Approval Tool
1. Click the Summary button drop-down list and select Consult Contacts.
2. Pick the Contact(s) to be consulted and enter a message.
This message will then appear in the email notification as well as within the consult. Consulted users when opening the consultation review session will see a message which will say, 'You have new brief instructions'.
3. Choose what should happen when the consultants have completed their review and then click OK.
4. Once selected, the consulted user will receive a task notification to provide consultation on the asset approval.
The user may add annotations, attachments and threaded discussions to the artwork approval, but will not be requested to provide an approval verdict.
The approval step can continue while the consultation task is in progress. The responsible assignee may be notified by email when the consultation has been completed.
Consult Contacts via the Activity Summary
Add a consulted contact to an existing approval step.
1. Navigate to the Activity Summary page and click on the 'Tasks' tab.
2. Find the approval step you wish to add a consultation to.
3. Click on the 3-dots under the Actions column and select 'Consult Contacts'.
4. This will bring up a 'Consult Contacts' modal. Select who you would like to consult via the 'Pick contacts' button.
You can also edit the message in the dialogue box to change what is sent to the consulted contact, choose whether to allow the consult to view any approval forms linked to the approval task, and whether to notify any assignees upon the consult's completion.
5. When all fields are complete, select 'OK'.
6. The page will refresh after a couple of seconds. Check that the consulted assignee has been added by clicking the drop-down arrow under the right approval step.
Please note: if the Responsible assignee completes their approval task before the Consulted assignee, then the Consulted assignee's task will be bypassed.
Create a No Verdict / Super Consult Step
Like a Consulted approver, a Super Consult cannot provide a verdict on an asset but they are Responsible for their own approval step, meaning they won't be skipped if all other approvers have completed their tasks.
1. Navigate to the Activity Summary page and click on the 'Tasks' tab.
2. Find the Approval you wish to add an the no-verdict step to.
3. Click on the 3-dots under the Actions column and select 'Edit task'.
4. Click on '+ Step' to add a new approval step below.
5. Under the new step, click on the pen icon to edit this step.
6. Under 'Contact', select the assignee from the drop-down below.
7. Check the box to indicate 'No Verdict' will be given.
8. Click 'Save' to save the new approval step to the Activity.
9. Return to the Activity Summary page to check that the new approval step has been added.
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