When you register for e-flow, we check to see if your company name is already held in our records.
To avoid duplication, if we find an organisation with a similar name to the one you entered we’ll ask you to confirm that you’re not already registered.
I’m sure my organisation is not already registered
If you are sure that your organisation is not already registered, or if you would like to create an additional e-flow site for your organisation, you should click the link in the email to continue.
I’m not sure if my organisation is already registered
If you are not sure if your organisation is already registered, please contact our support team at support@sunbranding.com.
Our support agents will be able to look up any existing organisation we hold on record. Although they will not be able to confirm any details to you directly, they will be able to contact the existing organisation administrator on your behalf to ask them to invite you to become a e-flow user.
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