Below is a list of terms used throughout these user guides. Plug any term into the search bar of this site to find articles which explain these further and put them into context.
Absence Manager | This feature allows users to record future absences to ensure that any tasks assigned during their absence is automatically assigned to another designated user. |
Accountable (responsibility) | See 'RACI'. |
Activity | An Activity is workflow which follows a pre-defined order of tasks to form a business process. These are designed to involve multiple participants, responsibilities and organisations. Also; project, workflow. |
Asset Classification | These help to classify the assets with a predefined label, which helps with reporting and searching. Classifications can be added, edited and deleted by Domain Admins. Default classifications include, but are not limited to: Cutter/Die Line, Design, Icon, Master Artwork and Photography. |
Activity Summary | The Activity Summary provides an overview of the workflow, shdowing metrics, tasks, associated assets and data. |
Adhoc Approval | This approval allows the task assignee to build the approval workflow by grouping approvers into 'steps': adding duration and adding further assets in any linked activity to approve in a batch if required. |
Approval Classification | Approval Classifications are glossary terms used to record the reasons why an approver has provided a particular verdict. |
Asset | A file uploaded to e-flow, either to an asset library or as part of an activity. |
Asset Library | An Asset Library is used to hold a collection of assets, allowing organisations to group common asset types together as they see fit. |
Asset Summary | An Asset Summary provides a preview of the asset, summary of its metadata, linked activies, revision history and options to download or upload revisions. |
Basket | Assets can be added to a user's basket to group them together, and either batch download, batch send on approval, or compare 2 assets in the Online Approval Tool. |
Brancher | See 'Linked Activity'. |
Categories | Categories can be set up within the admin area of the system for grouping similar terms together and bringing consistency to data capture within forms and across activities, which helps with reporting capabilities. |
Child Activity | Child Activity refers to an activity that was launched or triggered as part of another activity. |
Connections | One or two-way connections can be created between organisations to allow the requesting organisation to assign tasks to the receiving organisation's users. |
Consult | Users can be requested to consult on an approval, where they can view an asset/form on approval but not provide a verdict. They will be automatically bypassed if all Responsible assignees have completed the approval. |
Consulted (responsibility) | See 'RACI'. |
Contact | Another term for user. |
Dashboard | e-flow's home page. The Dashboard is a configurable collage of widgets which can display data about the user's and organisation's e-flow activity. |
Deputise | This feature, located in the user's account settings, allows users to select a contact within their organisation to deputise tasks to when their account is de-activated. This can also be done via Absence Manager when the user takes leave. |
Domain | Also known as organisation, a domain is an instance of e-flow with organisation-wide settings, asset libraries and activity templates specific to a group of users belonging to that domain. |
Forms | Forms are to be completed by users assigned to these task types. Form templates are created and managed by Domain Admins. |
GANTT | The GANTT Chart is used to look at a comparison of the current activity timeline against that of the current plan. |
Global Search | Global Search sits at the top of e-flow at all times so it can be accessed from any page. It will search all content including Activities, Users (Contacts), Products, Tasks and Assets. |
Information Ribbon | This blue ribbon can be expanded whilst in most tasks and appears at the right-hand side of the application. The ribbon slides over the task completion screen; allowing users to simultaneously complete tasks whilst viewing reference data, without navigating away to the workflow summary. |
Informed (responsibility) | See 'RACI'. |
Linked Activity | When the workflow starts this task, it will trigger the connected activity template |
Milestone | A task which is automatically completed when a collection of predecessors work items completed. |
Notification Hub | This is accessed by the left navigation bar and can be used to increase the traceability of communications in relation to e-flow projects. |
OAT | The Online Approval Tool (i.e. ProofScope) is an application embedded within e-flow which is used to review assets, featuring a range of view, measure and annotation tools. |
Parent Activity | The Parent Activity includes all tasks to be completed that apply to all packaging elements – this is often referred to as the 'project'. Packaging elements or components will branch off from the parent activity to be completed as Child Activities. |
Project | See 'Parent Activity'. |
RACI | An acronym for 'Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed', this model of responsibility applies to both workflows and work items (tasks). |
Reference File | Reference files can be uploaded directly to an Activity's Assets tab by a Responsible user. |
Responsible (responsibility) | See 'RACI'. |
Role | A Role is a shared domain-level responsibility. Each one is assigned a Security Level which determins the functions that can be performed by users of that Role. |
Security Level | Security Levels are assigned to Roles and set the permissions that users with this role can perform. A user with multiple roles will have the access of the highest security granted by their roles. |
Sequences | Sequences are used within forms and are alpha numeric references to help identify activities or groups of activities which have a pre-defined format. |
Sidebar | See 'Information Ribbon'. |
SSO | Single Sign-On is an organisation-wide authentication system whereby logging into your organisation's portal removes the need to authenticate e-flow when opening the app. |
Stage | In an Activity, a stage is a group of tasks under one header. |
Super consult | A Super consult/No Verdict approval is like a Consulted contact in that the approver is not asked to leave a verdict, however a ‘Super Consult’ approval will not be automatically bypassed if all other approvers for that approval task with a RACI status of Responsible or Accountable have completed their approval steps |
Tabular | The Tabular feature is applicable when completing multiple forms across different Activities belonging to one Parent. When selecting on one of the child activity forms, the Tabular button can be clicked, allowing you to add the same data in multiple forms simultaneously. |
Tasks | There are different types of tasks which can be performed in the application, each with its own iconography to make it clear which task is being performed. Examples include: Form Task, Asset Upload, Basic (Ticky) Task, Approval Task and Link Activity.. |
Teams | Domain Admins and Security Admins can group users into teams and give team members a customised team function. |
Visual Brief | Visual Brief is one of the default Asset Classifications. These are uploaded to an Activity or library to provide a visual reference for a project. |
Widget | Widgets display information about yours and your organisation's e-flow activity on your Dashboard. The visibility of these is controlled by a combination of the site's feature flags and the user's security rights. |
Workflow | See 'Activity'. |
Work Item | See 'Tasks'. |
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