The Search Activities feature allows you to create specific queries to find the exact activities you're looking for. This guide explains how to use this feature to filter criteria and how to tailor your search terms to narrow down or broaden the returned results.
Searching for Activities
Once an Activity has been started, you can view and monitor its progress and captured values. Use the Search Activities page to search for an Activity (workflow).
- From the Navigation bar, click Activities
- The Dashboard is displayed. Click Search Activities
The main search window is displayed with the 'Workflows' type selected.
The default criteria selected for the search is to show all Activities / Workflows with a 'Status' of 'Running'
- To perform a quick search using the default criteria, enter the workflow name and press Find.
Understanding Search and using the Wildcard:
The search engine is quite powerful and may return more results than you were expecting - however, if you understand how it works, you can refine or broaden your criteria to return the desired results.
Typing multiple words will return any activities that contain any of those words, in any order. The search results should, however, list the results in order of relevance.
- For example, typing Frozen Pizza would locate 'Frozen Chicken Pizza', 'Frozen Cheese Pizza' and further down the list of results, it may show activities with 'pizza' only or 'frozen' only.
- Including words in speech marks " " will refine the results by performing a 'string' search. For example, typing "Frozen Pizza" would only return activities containing the words "frozen pizza", in that order, with no words in-between.
If necessary use the wildcard symbol (*) within the search term to broaden the results.
- For example, typing *Tea* would locate 'Earl Grey Tea' and also 'Teatime Chocolate Biscuits'.
(For more information, see our guide on search syntax).
Add / Edit Criteria:
These criteria can be edited as required for example to show 'Status' 'Equal to' 'Completed' to display all completed Activities.
Remove Criteria:
To remove/delete a criteria row, click the red cross at the end of the row
Add Criteria:
- To add another criteria row, click the green add button
- In the new row, click the first drop-down list to select the field you wish to select for your criteria.
- Enter the criteria as required and click the Find button to display the results
- Click the Activity Name to open it
- This will take you to the Activity Details page which displays information about the running Activity.
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